The Nonsensical Growth of Hedge Funds
It explains why we generally don’t recommend hedge funds. Despite their poor performance, asset growth in hedge funds has been phenomenal…$300B to $5T in the last 20 years.
Short Term vs Long Term Bonds
Stock Bond Cash returns Over the past 95 yrs
This is a very high-level piece about long term returns of cash, stocks, and bonds that clearly explains the average long-term returns and associated risk.
Russell 2000 vs Russell 1000 Median LTM
Should you be investing in Stringed Instruments?
40% of Companies in Russell 2000 Have Negative Earnings
In the 1990s, 15% of companies in the Russell 2000 had negative 12-month trailing EPS. Today that share is 40%, see chart below. As the chart shows, during recessions, the share of unprofitable firms rises. This is not surprising. But if the underlying uptrend continues, more than 50% of firms in the index will have negative earnings by the end of this decade.